Spot turn

Spot turn counterclockwise

The man makes a counterclockwise turn and the lady simultaneously a clockwise turn. Both dance a half basic movement between turns.

Step by step instructions

Beat Step Turn
2 Right foot across the body vasemman yli 360° counterclockwise. The weight can be divided on both feet, but at the end of the turn the weight must be transerred on the right foot
3 Weight back on the left foot
4 Right foot to side

Spot turn clockwise

The man makes a clockwise turn and the lady simultaneously a counterclockwise turn. Both dance a half basic movement between turns.

Foot animation

Selaimesi ei tue flash-animaatioita.


Step by step instructions

Beat Step Turn
2 Left foot across the body oikean yli 360° clockwise. Weight can be divided on both feet, but at end of turn the weight must be transerred on left foot
3 Weight back on right foot
4 Left foot to side

Foot animation

Selaimesi ei tue flash-animaatioita.

Spot turn left/right


Selaimesi ei tue flash-vidoita.

Spot turn right/left


Selaimesi ei tue flash-vidoita.


Pancakes are spot turns with both hand hold, left-to-right and right-to-left. Both dancers turn under the connected arms.