Heituinlahden nuorisoseurantalo, Savitaipale

S-mailHeituinlahden ns, 54770 Heituinlahti
Street addressTuohikotintie 1266, Heituinlahti, Savitaipale
Driving instructions(a) Savitaipale -> Tuohikotti (road 377) 12.66 km, house on the left.
(b) Kouvola -(road 15)-> Mikkeli 36 km, to the right (road 377, Savitaipaleentie) 23.8 km, house on the right.
(c) Mikkeli -(road 13)-> Savitaipale 61.3 km, to the right (Viiruntie) 2.3 km -> Virmajärventie 9.3 km, to the right (road 377, Tuohikotintie) 1.4 km, house on the left.
CoordinatesWGS84 N61°07'27.4" E27°29'31.9"
AnnouncementsEtelä-Saimaa, Länsi-Saimaan Sanomat, Kouvolan sanomat, Kymen Sanomat
Home pagehttp://www.heituinlahti.fi/

No programme at the moment